These days there is much talk centered upon the future timing of the Russian and Iranian led invasion of Israel, foretold in the Bible prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Due to the newsworthy events that are presently occurring, whereby Russian and Iranian relationships are ever strengthening, prophecy buffs are appropriately attempting with god-speed, to connect the prophetic dots.
For those of you who are not familiar with today’s most prevalent prophetic news pervading the Christian and Jewish scholarly communities, you should study Ezekiel 38 and 39, with the understanding that it alludes to a nuclear equipped Russian – Iranian led confederacy, which forms to invade the nation of Israel in the end times.
Although scholars are somewhat split as to who all the other enjoining coalition member nations are, they all tend to agree that no explicit reference is made to the inclusion of Palestinians, Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese, or Jordanians. Furthermore Saudi Arabians apparently abstain from enlisting themselves in the fight alongside Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the additional consortia of nations. The absence of these above listed predominately Arab populations tends to perplex the scholars, often causing them to postulate, rather than promulgate as to the reasons why.
In their zeal have the prophecy buffs managed to put the colloquial cart before the proverbial horse? Certainly the events described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 are slated to arrive soon, but are they indeed scheduled next? There exists a litany of questions that should be appropriately answered before any scholar dare flip the pages of the prophetic calendar forward to the date of this Goliath Ezekiel event. Newspaper exegesis makes for sensational reporting, but has no inherent ability to accelerate the final fulfillment of a Bible prophecy.
Before we list the flurry of questions, let’s ponder the most obvious one, which is; why are the Palestinians, and their Arab neighbors from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan, not declared by Ezekiel to be enlisted members in the Russian – Iranian led coalition? These are the nations that have proven to be the most observable opponents of the Jewish State, since its inception in 1948. It is through much of their Arab soil, that Russia, Iran, and their cohorts intend to travel in order to invade Israel. This question will be answered further on in this article, but for now let’s explore the following additional questions.
Is Israel:
1. A people dwelling securely, yashab betach in the Hebrew language? (Ezek. 38:8)
2. A people dwelling without walls? (Ezek. 38:11)
3. A nation at peace in the Middle East? (Ezek. 38:11)
4. One of the wealthiest nations in the world? (Ezek. 38:13)
5. A people who have acquired "great plunder"? (Ezek. 38:13)
6. Recognized as a Sovereign Nation, by the international community? (Ezek. 38:8)
These questions address some of the prerequisite conditions required for the stage to be appropriately set for the Russian – Iranian led nuclear equipped invasion of Israel. Furthermore Ezekiel 38:8 describes the Jewish people, as being regathered from the nations of the world, and returning to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. Though the Jewish people are being restored back to their ancient promised land, the honest answers to the above questions are, in each case No!
Israel is not dwelling securely; In the summer of 2006, they had over 4000 rockets fired upon Haifa and other northern locations out of Lebanon from the Hezbollah. Additionally, the Hamas are still a constant threat from the Gaza area. Then of course there were the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973. Likewise Israel is not a people dwelling without walls; to the contrary, they have constructed a huge 25 foot high, soon to be 403 miles long, wall in the midst of their land, intended to partition Palestinian terrorists away from Israel proper.
No it does not appear as though Israel is presently a nation at peace in the Middle East, whose sovereignty is officially recognized by all their Arab neighbors. Neither has Israel become one of the wealthiest nations in the world, as a result of acquiring "great plunder", which Biblically alludes to the spoils obtained as the result of a war. In fact Israel continues to forfeit land, their most valuable asset, in an attempt to obtain peace with their Arab neighbors.
So then if the prerequisite conditions are not yet come into alignment for the final fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecies, what is the next major ground shaking prophetic event foretold to unfold in the Middle East? What dare the Bible say will happen in the most perplexing region on planet Earth? Will it be an event that serves to bring Israel into appropriate - alignment with the stage - setting requirements that facilitate the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s Russian – Iranian led invasion?
Yes, now we have some Yes answers to introduce. Yes something else of epic proportion is foretold in the Bible to occur in the Middle East! Yes its conclusion will bring forth the announcement that the world theater is now readied for the nuclear equipped advance of the Russian – Iranian led invasion. Yes, it does adequately answer the fundamental question of why the Arab populations listed above are nowhere to be found in the Russian – Iranian coalition. Are you ready?
There is destined to be an Arab – Israeli war as per Psalm 83. An Arab confederacy consisting of Palestinians, Syrians, Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Jordanians, and all their associated terrorist bedfellows, is destined to form with the explicit mandate of, and I quote; "They have said, Come, and let us [Arabs] cut them [Jews] off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4, NKJV; emphasis added)
These Arab peoples referred to by their ancient territorial names in Psalm 83, come together in one last crazed attempt to destroy the Jewish State of Israel. This will prove to be a fatal mistake for these Arab confederates. They will meet up with the technologically advanced arsenal of weapons possessed by the powerful army of Israel. It will be a matter of Israel’s survival, and their army will prevail. In victory, Israel finds itself fulfilling numerous prophecies such as:
1. They have become an "exceedingly great army" (Ezek. 37:10)
2. The execution of judgments on those who despise them (Ezek. 28:25)
3. They will then dwell securely (yashab betach) (Ezek. 28:26)
4. They will acquire Arab lands and great plunder (Obadiah 1:19, Jeremiah 49:2)
5. Sovereign International acclaim as "My People Israel" (Ezek. 25:14, 38:14,16)
6. They will become one of the wealthiest nations on earth (Zephaniah 2:7,9 NRSV)
These and many more prophecies find there fulfillment as a result of the Arab – Israeli war, which is certain to come, and is most likely the next major Middle East headline event according to scripture. A more exhaustive understanding of this major event can be found in my book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.
Why are the Palestinians and their Arab cohorts not enjoined in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecies? Today’s most observable Arab opponents to the restoration of the nation Israel collectively abstain due to the fact, that they are soon to be decimated by the might of the Israeli Defense Force. How does Israel achieve peace in the Middle East and obtain international recognition as the sovereign Jewish State? It is through military means rather than politically brokered Real Estate deals, such as "The Roadmap Plan". When will the partition wall in Israel come down, and the Jews dwell securely in the Middle East? This will occur when the Jewish State expands territorially, acquires great plunder, and becomes regionally superior.Digesting the above, Russia and Iran become threatened by what will then be, the new and improved, enlarged and in-charged future Israel. As a result of the Israeli Conquest over the inner circle of the core Arab nations that most closely border Israel today, the Russians and Iranians will promptly invite an outer circle of nations to enjoin their coalition in an attempt to destroy the Jewish State, and capture Israel’s newfound fortunes. It is then, and not before, that the prophecy buffs can safely turn the next page of the prophetic calendar forward and warn the world, that the events of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are about to reveal themselves.
CLICK HERE to read Chuck Missler's article on the Subject. "The Alternative View to the Magog Invasion (Psalm 83)."
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