
Bill Salus / Psalm 83 / Zion Oil on Jewish Voice TV

JUST POSTED PART TWO OF THE BERNIS / SALUS TV INTERVIEW. PART ONE WAS RECENTLY AIRED ON TBN TV. (12/29/09) Watch Bill Salus on Jewish Voice television with Jonathan Bernis. Bill discusses with Jonathan Bernis the origins of the Middle East conflict. Jonathan asks Bill to tell the viewers about the Psalm 83 War. Also Bill tells Jonathan why the nations sharing common borders with Israel today are not listed in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 Russian – Iranian Magog invasion. John Brown of Zion Oil is also on this program.

view part two on video screen

View part one by clicking HERE NOW (Be patient for download)

This week on PROPHECY UPDATE RADIO Bill Salus interviews his friend Jonathan Bernis of Jewish Voice Ministries about his new book "A Rabbi Looks At the Last Days".

Jonathan Bernis is a Jesus believing Jewish Rabbi and the host of Jewish Voice television, which is viewed daily worldwide. Jonathan puts his heart upon his sleeve in this radio interview and reminds Christians of the importance of supporting their Jewish brothers and sisters in these turbulent end times.

LISTEN NOW to Jonathan Bernis on Prophecy Update Radio