This week on the Prophecy Update Radio program, host Bill Salus interviews a panel of prophecy experts about the Rapture and other related end time’s topics. The panel consists of Terry James, Don McGee, and Daymond Duck. This prophecy panel takes an in-depth look at the Rapture event and evidences why the momentous event could occur immediately without delay.
Terry James is the author of 19 prophecy books and co-founder of, the world’s most visited prophecy website. Daymond Duck, is the author of “the Book of Revelation, the Smart Guide to the Bible series”. Don McGee is the founder of Crown and Sickle Ministries.
upper (Picture of Bill, Terry, & Don Dallas Pre-Trib Rapture Conference)
lower (Picture of Bill & Daymond Christmas in Dallas at Pre-Trib Rapture conference)
Part two includes a panel discussion about the fallen angelic principalities that Christians deal with daily.
Listen Now to Part One
Listen Now to Part Two