
Why did Christ Die for those Predestined to Hell?

Question & Comments to Bill: Dear Bill - Do we both agree that all of God's judgment and wrath fell upon Jesus at the Cross for all mankind? If God foreknew and predestinate whom would be conformed to the image of the Son, then why did God include all the non-believer's wrath and judgment upon Jesus if God predestinated their calling into hell? Wouldn't God's wrath and judgment pour out on all non-believer's that His Son had to endure be executed in Hell?

I have been praying to God about this for the last few days and was led to present the question to you. Why not just place upon Christ the wrath of those souls that would not be ashamed and end up before Christ at His judgment Seat. Why include all of mankind when many are called, but few are chosen?

God knows who is going to Hell. Why was Jesus subjected to those who will spend eternity in Hell's wrath of God? Why not only those that are chosen to be sons of God?

Read Bill's Responses